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- Overview
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- Syllabus
Acquire Full Stack Skills: Master Native Programming, Earn Certification, Launch Your Development Career!
The Elysium Certified Full Stack Native Programmer training course offers comprehensive skill development through two key modules: Full Stack Developer Course – PHP and Full Stack Developer Course – .NET. These courses equip you with hands-on experience in back-end and front-end technologies, enhancing your expertise in developing robust, scalable web applications. Upon completing the course, you will be industry-ready with practical knowledge of full-stack development tools and frameworks. ElysiumPro guarantees 100% placement assurance, providing you with the opportunity to secure a prestigious career in the tech industry.
180 Hrs
60 Hrs
120 Hrs
65 Hours
12 Hours
65 Hours
- Real-World Native Development Projects
- Personalized coordinator.
- Trainer feedback.
- Trainer availability post sessions.
- Get your staff certified.
- Certificate from governing bodies.
- Recognized worldwide
- Hands on assignment
- Master native programming fundamentals, including Java, Swift, and Kotlin.
- Dive into advanced concepts such as front-end development with React Native.
- Learn to build robust back-end systems using Node.js, Express.js, and databases.
- Gain expertise in version control with Git and GitHub.
- Understand deployment and DevOps practices, including Docker and cloud platforms.
- Develop practical skills through hands-on projects and real-world applications.
Top companies offer this course to their employees
Course was selected for our collection of top-rated courses trusted by businesses worldwide.

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The Elysium Certified Full Stack Native Programmer – Training Course offers learners the opportunity to master the essential skills required for native application development. Dive into the dynamic field of software development and learn Java, Swift, Kotlin, and more with the help of experienced instructors. Learners will emerge prepared to build and manage high-performance mobile and desktop applications. Here are some of the skills you will need to learn if you want to become a full stack native programmer.
The Full Stack Native Programmer course teaches you to master the concepts of native programming. Through this training, you will learn Front-End Development with React Native, Back-End Development with Node.js and Express.js, Database Management, Version Control, and Deployment Strategies.
- Native Development is the foundation that enables the creation of efficient and responsive mobile and desktop applications.
- Native Development involves the comprehensive study of both client-side and server-side technologies.
- Developing Applications includes designing, coding, testing, and deploying scalable solutions.
- Native Developers understand the entire development lifecycle and derive meaningful insights to optimize performance.
- Native Development practices are the foundation on which modern software applications are built.

Our Training Program Benefits
- Live, interactive training by experts.
- Curriculum that focuses on the learner.
- Challenge-based, hands-on project.
- Opportunities for team building.
- Cost- saving training.
- Convenient for your employees.
- Completely tailor-made curriculum.
Chapter-1 Introduction to HTML5
- Development Environment Setup
- What is HTML?
- Relevant History of HTML
- Anatomy of an HTML Tag
- Basic HTML Document Structure
- HTML Content Models
- Heading Elements (and some new HTML5 Semantic comments)
- Lists
- HTML Character Entity Reference
- Creating Links
- Displaying images
Chapter-2 Introduction of CSS3
- Power of CSS
- Anatomy of a CSS Rule
- Element, class and ID Selectors
- Combining Selectors
- Pseudo-class selectors
- Style placement
- Conflict resolution
- Styling Text
- The box model
- The background property
- Positioning Elements by floating
- Relative and absolute element positioning
- Media Queries
- Responsive Design
- Introduction to Twitter Bootstrap
- The Bootstrap Grid System
Chapter-3 Introduction of JavaScript
- Adjusting Development Environment for JavaScript Development
- Where to place JavaScript code
- Defining variables, functions, and scope
- JavaScript Types
- Common Language Constructs
- Handling default values
- Creating objects using 'new Object()' syntax
- Creating objects using Object literal syntax
- Functions Explained
- Passing Variables by value Vs. by Reference
- Function constructors, prototype, and the ‘this’ keyword
- Array
- Closures
- Fake namespaces
- Immediately Invoked Function Expressions(IIFES)
Chapter-4 Using JavaScript to Build Web Applications
- DOM Manipulation
- Handling Events
- The ‘event’ Argument
- HTTP Basics
- Ajax Basics
- Processing JSON
- Fixing Mobile Nav Menu Automatic Collapse
- Dynamically Loading Home View Content
- Dynamically Loading Menu Categories View
- Dynamically Loading Single Category View
- Changing ‘active’ button style through JavaScript
Chapter-5 Introduction to PHP
- What is PHP?
- Why PHP?
- What Can PHP Do?
- How PHP Works
- Advantages of Using PHP
- Websites that Use PHP
- Install XAMPP on Windows
- Troubleshooting
- Coding Standards
- Basic Syntax
- Comments
- Variables
- Variable Scope
- $ and $$ Variables
- Super Global Variables
- var_dump
- Swap Two Numbers
- Constants
- Magic Constants
- Echo and Print
- Data Types
- Operators
- Arithmetic Operator
- Assignment Operator
- Comparison Operator
- Logical Operator
- Conditional Statements
- If Statement
- If-else Statement
- If-else if-else Statement
- Switch Statement
- Loop Statements
- while Loop
- do-while Loop
- for Loop
- for-each Loop
- Jump Statements
- Break Statements
- Continue Statements
Chapter-6 Beginner Level PHP
- Functions
- PHP Functions
- Parameterized Function
- Call by reference
- Call by Value
- Default Arguments
- Variable Arguments
- Recursive functions
- Arrays
- PHP Array
- Indexed Array
- Assosiative Array
- Nested Array
- Array Iterators
- Recursive functions
- String
- Numeric Functions
- isset Functions
- PHP Math
- Working with Date and Time
Chapter-7 Object Oriented
- Class and Objects
- What is OOPs
- Class and objects
- Creating a simple class
- Creating an object
- Creating and accessing Properties
- Creating and accessing Constants
- Creating and accessing methods
- This keyword
- Constructors
- Initial parameter passing
- Inheritance
- Private and Protected Properties
- Static Properties and methods
- Advance Obeject Oriented
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Multiple Constructor, Destructor
- Final Keyword
- Interfaces
- Abstract Classes
Chapter-8 Implementing Forms
- Why Forms Must
- How Forms Works
- Form Data and PHP
- Simple Registration
- Introduction
- Form Data Workflow
- Never Trust User Inputs
- Text Fields
- Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
- Selection Lists
- Buttons
- Image Buttons
- More Form Fields
- Introduction
- Validation Types
- Validating Forms
- Displaying error Messages
- Prefilling Text Fields
- Prefilling Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
- Prefilling Lists
- Finalize the code
Chapter-9 Cookies and Sessions in PHP
- Why Cookies and Sessions
- Introducing Cookies
- Introducing Sessions
- Creating Cookies
- Updating Cookies
- Deleting Cookies
- Best Practices for Cookies
- PHP Session Configuration and Functions
- Making Configuration Changes
- Initializing Session
- Destroying Session
- Using Session in Login Form
- Storing Session in Database
- Creating Custom SessionHandler
- Session Security Threats
- Session Security Measures
- Handling Session Security
Chapter-10 Authentication and Authorization
- What is Authentication
- HTTP Authentication
- HTTP Basic Authentication
- HTTP Digest Authentication
- HTTP+HTML (Form Based) Authentication
- Form based Authentication
- Advantages/Disadvantages
- Implement Form Based Authentication
- What is Authorization
- ACL (Access Control Lists)
- What are the Access Control
- RBAC (Role Based Access Control)
- What is Role-based Access Control
- Advantages/Disadvantages
- Implement Role-based Access Control
- What are the JSON Web Tokens
- Advantages/Disadvantages
- Implement JSON Web Tokens in PHP
Chapter-11 Working with Databases
- Introduction
- PHP, MySQL and MariaDB
- PHP and Microsoft SQL Server
- PHP and MySQL
- PHP and MariaDB
- PHP and Azure SQL DB
- Introduction
- Configuring PDO for PHP
- Configuring MySQLi Database Integration
- Connecting to MySQL using PDO
- Connecting to MySQL using MySQLi
- Connecting to Azure using PDO
- No SQL Support in PHP
- New MongoDB Server for PHP
- Creating a Test MongoDB Database in Atlas
- Working with MongoDB in PHP
- Introduction
- Reading Data
- Updating Data
- Deleting Data
- Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Using the MySQLi Extensions
- Preventing SQL Injection
- Inserting Data
- Prepared Statements
- Registration page
- Login Page
- Web Site - Sample
Chapter-12 CLaravel Framework
- Introduction
- Prerequisites for Laravel
- What is Laravel
- Installing Laravel and Creating a New Project
- Running a Development Server with Artisan CLI
- Running an Existing Laravel Application
- Defining Routes
- Creating Views
- Blade Templates
- Extending the Master Layout
- Naming Routes
- Serving Static Assets
- Implementing Active Links with Blade Directives
- Receiving Form Input with POST Routes
- Securing Input Data with CSRF Tokens
- Resolving Dependencies
- Flashing Session Data
- Validating User Inputs
- Showing Error Messages and Old Input
- Creating an Error Subview
- Grouping Routes and Views
- Handling Requests with Controller Actions
- CRUD Operations
- Creating Resource Controllers
- Implementing Resource Routes
- Setting up the Database
- Migrations and Models
- Creating the Post Model
- Saving Posts to the Database
- Passing Data to Blade Templates
- Checking for Empty collections
- Creating Cookie
- Retrieving Cookie
Chapter-13 Eloquent ORM
- Errors and logging
- Errors
- Logging
Chapter-14 Localization
- Configuring the locale
- Defining translation strings
- Overriding package language files
Chapter-15 Session
- Accession data
- Storing session data
- Deleting session data
Chapter-16 File Uploading
- Add controller
- Add routes
- Add blade file
- Upload a file using storage disk
Chapter-17 AJAX
- Data connection
- Create migration and model
- Create controller
- Create add routes
- Create blade file
- Create layout
Chapter-18 Error Handling
- Introduction
- Configuration
- The exception handler
- Reporting exception
- Exception log levels
- Ignoring exceptions by type
- Rendering exceptions
- Reportable & renderable exceptions
Chapter-19 HTTP Exception
- HTTP custom error pages
Chapter-20 Event Handling
- Introduction
- Registering events & listeners
- Defining event
- Queued event listeners
- Dispatching event
- Event subscribers
Chapter-21 Facades
- Introduction
- When to use facades
- How facades work
- Real time facades
- Façade class reference
Chapter-22 Security
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Email verification
- Encryption
- Hashing
- Password reset
Chapter-23 CakePHP
- CakePHP structure
- Setup your own web server
- Install CakePHP
- CakePHP naming conventions
- Create custom layout
- Create Controller
- Get data from Database
- Insert data
- Data validation
- Delete data
- Linking models together
- CakePHP Helpers
- CakePHP Components
- Pagination
- Ajax in CakePHP
Chapter-24 YII
- Introduction to MVC
- Model
- View
- Controller
- Passing data to view from controller
- Partial view
- Understanding layout
- Passing data to layout with params
- Passing data to layout with session
- Passing data to partial view
- Changing advanced website template
- Changing basic website template
- Replicating basic template on advanced
- Enable pretty URL
- Setup .htaccess file
- Passing parameters to URL
- Retrieving parameters from URL
- Remove parameter title from URL to look pretty
- HTML Helpers - Tags
- HTML Helpers - ActiveForm
- HTML Helpers - Img, Link
- HTML Helpers - UI, OI
- HTML Helpers - Form 1
- HTML Helpers - Form 2
- URL Helpers 1
- URL Helpers 2
- Array Helpers - Intro, getValue
- Array Helpers - Validate Array
- Array Helpers - getColumn, Index, map
- Array Helpers - multiSort, isIn, merges
- Connecting to database
- Migration
- Multiple database connections
- Signup
- Login
- Check authentication in views
- Logout
- Add more fields to signup
- Controller authentication
- Controller authentication 2
- Separate frontend and backend login table
- Insert record
- Read all record from table
- Read one record from table
- Update record
- Delete record
- Authenticate active record actions
- Faker
- Read all data in a table
- Filter columns and set conditions of data
- Order post, count and limit posts to be fetched at a time
- View post details
- Sluggable id
- Connect model to another database
- Creating widgets
- Gridview
- GridView - Format column
- GridView - ActionColumn
- Listview
- DetailviewPagination
- PJax - Inserting record
- Generating model
- Generating controller
- Generating form
- Generating CRUD
- Generating module
- Generate CRUD to module
- Generating model from second database
- HasOne relations
- HasMany relations
- File upload
- Upload multiple files
- Display post image
- Installing FileInput extension using composer
- Installing TinyMCE with composer.json
- Password
- Generate pseudorandom data
- Data encryption and decryption
- Setup error page
- Extract error code and message
- Understand error debugging
- Log
- Enable or disable error debugger
- Configure application to production environment
- Reconfiguring frontend file structure
- Reconfiguring backend file structure
- Push files to server
- Configure application to live database
- .htaccess
Chapter-25 Projects
Chapter-26 HTML Overview
- HTML Overview
- HTML Editing Tools
- Document Structure
- HTML Tags
- Information browsers ignore
- Specifying Color in HTML
- Setting up an HTML document
- Using Tags
- Formatting Text
- Introduction to frames
- Horizontal rules
- The Image basics
- The IMG tag and its attributes
- Media queries
- Introduction to tables
- Affecting table appearance
- Table troubleshooting
- Standard table templates
- Multipart images in tables
- The basic form (FORM)
- The FORM elements
- The New FORM attibutes (HTML 0.4)
- Affecting The appearence form
- Unconventional use of Form
Chapter-27 Basic styling of web pages using CSS3
- Basic styling of web pages using CSS3
- Concept of CSS
- Creating Style Sheet
- CSS Properties
- Setting up the initial HTML and CSS files
- Using the inline block value
- Changing a Table to Use Display block
- Adding Small screen content Element
- Introduction
- Border properties
- Padding Properties
- Margin properties
- RWD Introduction
- RWD Viewport
- RWD Gridview
- RWD Media Queries
- RWD Images
- RWD Videos
- RWD Frameworks
- RWD Templates
- CSS Animation
- CSS Animation property
- Delay an Animation
- Run Animation in reverse Direction or Alternate Cycles
- The speed curve of the Animation
- The fill-mode of an Animation
- How to Build the Navigation Bar
- How to Build the Showcase Section
- How to Build the Lower Section
- How to Build the Footer Section
- How to Make the page responsive
Chapter-28 Introduction to ASP.Net MVC
- What is ASP.NET MVC
- What are the differences between ASP.NET Forms and ASP.NET MVC?
- History of ASP.NET MVC
- Creating an ASP.NET MVC Application
- The Architecture of ASP.NET MVC Internet Application
- ASP.NET MVC Folder Conventions
- ASP.NET MVC Introduction
- ASP.NET MVC vs. ASP.NET Web Forms
- Advantages of ASP.NET MVC
- ASP.NET MVC Architecture
- ASP.NET MVC Version History
- Creating First ASP.NET MVC Application
- ASP.NET MVC File and Folder Structure
- Layout, Sections, and View Start
- Controllers in ASP.NET MVC Application
- Views in ASP.NET MVC
- Models in ASP.NET MVC
- View Data in ASP.NET MVC
- View Bag in ASP.NET MVC
- Strongly Typed Views in ASP.NET MVC
- View Model in ASP.NET MVC
- Temp Data in ASP.NET MVC
Chapter-29 Controllers
- What is a Controller and what is Use of It?
- Overview of routing engine
- Creating controllers
- Return types of Action Methods and Their Purpose
- What is a view and what is use of it?
- View engines. ASPX Engine and Razor View Engine
- Razor View Engine syntax
- Partial views
- What is Partial Views? What is the use of it?
- Creating partial views
- Using Partial Views
- What is a Model and what is the use of a Model?
- Types Of Models
- Creating Data Model
Chapter-30 Html Helpers
- What is Html Helper and what is the use of it?
- Creating Html Helpers
- Strongly Typed Html Helpers
- Template Html Helpers
- Creating custom Html Helpers
- Creating submit button html helper
- Creating TagBuilder Html Class
- Using HtmlTextWriter Class
- What is data Annotation and what is the use of it?
- Data Annotation Attributes in ASP.NET MVC
- Annotation Attributes from System.Web.Mvc Namespace
- Custom Error Messages and Localization
- Display and Edit Annotations
Chapter-31 CRUD Operations on Database using ASP.Net MVC
- What are CRUD Operations
- How To Implement CRUD Operations With ASP.Net MVC
- What is a Filter and What is the Use Of A Filter
- Applying Filters To Controllers And Actions
- Authorization Filter
- Exception Filter
- Using Action Filter
- Using Result Filter
- Using Global Filter
- What is URL Routing and what are Advantages of It?
- Creating and Registering a Route
- Defining Default Values
- Using Static URL Segments
- Route Ordering
- Defining Optional URL Segments
- Defining Variable Length Routes
Chapter-32 Master Pages and Layout Pages
- What is a Master Page and what is a Layout Page?
- Purpose of Master Page or Layout Page
- Creating Layout Pages
- What is Caching? What is Use of Caching?
- Using Output Cache Attribute
- Varying Output By Parameter
- Using Cache Profiles
- Using The Cache API
- Creating Users and Roles
- Using the Web Site Administration Tool
- Using the Web Site Administration Tool
- Using the Account Controller
- Authorizing Users
- Using the Authorize Attribute
- Using the User Property
- Configuring Membership
- Configuring the Membership Database
- Configuring Membership Settings
- Using the Membership and Role Manager API
- Using Windows Authentication
- Configuring Windows Authentication
- Authenticating Windows Users and Groups
Chapter-33 jQuery
- Introduction
- JQuery Syntax
- JQuery Selectors
- JQuery Hide/Show
- JQuery Fade
- JQuery Slide
- JQuery Stop()
- JQuery Callback()
- JQuery Get/Set
- JQuery Add/Remove
- JQuery CSS Classes
- Web Hosting Basics
- Types of Hosting Packages
- Registering domains
- Defining Name Servers
- Using Control Panel
- Creating Emails in Cpanel
- Using FTP Client
Chapter-34 Exception Handling in ASP.NET MVC
- Introduction to Exception Handling in MVC
- HandleError
- HTTP Errors
- Application_Error
- Routing in ASP.NET MVC
- Creating Custom Routes in ASP.NET MVC
- Route Constraints in ASP.NET MVC
- Attribute Routing in ASP.NET MVC
- NET MVC Attribute Routing with Optional Parameter
- Route Prefix in ASP.NET MVC Attribute Routing
- Route Constraints in ASP.NET MVC Attribute Routing
- Default Route and Route Name in Attribute Routing
Chapter-35 ASP.NET MVC - Database (SQL Server and MySQL)
- Entity Framework in ASP.NET MVC
- Action Link HTML Helper in ASP.NET MVC
- Working with Multiple Tables in ASP.NET MVC using Entity Framework
- ASP.NET MVC – Database (SQL Server and MySQL)
- Business Objects as Model in ASP.NET MVC
- FormCollection in ASP.NET MVC
- Model Binding in ASP.NET MVC
- UpdateModel and TryUpdateModel in ASP.NET MVC
- Editing a Model in ASP.NET MVC
- Unintended Updates in ASP.NET MVC
- Bind Attribute in ASP.NET MVC
- Model Binding Using Interface
- Deleting Database Records in ASP.NET MVC
- CRUD Operations using Entity Framework
- Customizing Auto Generated Index and Create Views
- Customizing Auto Generated Edit View
- Performing CRUD Operation using Entity Framework and MySQL Database
- HTML Helpers in ASP.NET MVC
- Text Box HTML Helper in ASP.NET MVC
- Drop Down List HTML Helper in ASP.NET MVC
- Radio Button HTML Helper in ASP.NET MVC
- Check Box HTML Helper in ASP.NET MVC
- List Box HTML Helper in ASP.NET MVC
- Editor HTML Helper in ASP.NET MVC
- Password Field and Hidden Field HTML Helper in ASP.NET MVC
- Template Helpers in ASP.NET MVC
- Customizing Template Helpers in ASP.NET MVC
- Custom HTML Helpers in ASP.NET MVC
- Attributes in ASP.NET MVC
- Action Selectors in ASP.NET MVC
- Action Verb Selector in ASP.NET MVC
- Non-Action Selector in ASP.NET MVC
- Data Annotations in ASP.NET MVC
- Required and StringLength Attribute in MVC
- Regular Expression Attribute in ASP.NET MVC
- Range Attribute in ASP.NET MVC
- Custom Validation Attribute in MVC
- DataType and Compare Attributes in ASP.NET MVC
- Validation Message and Validation Summary in ASP.NET MVC
- Remote Validations in ASP.NET MVC
- Remote Validation in ASP.NET MVC when JavaScript is Disabled
- Fluent Validations
- Action Results in ASP.NET MVC
- View Result and Partial View Result in MVC
- JSON Result in ASP.NET MVC
- JavaScript Result in ASP.NET
- File Result in ASP.NET MVC
- Content Result in ASP.NET MVC
- Empty Result in ASP.NET MVC
- Redirect, RedirectToRoute and RedirectToAction in ASP.NET MVC
- Status Results in ASP.NET MVC
- Partial Views in ASP.NET MVC
- Different Ways to Render Partial View in ASP.NET MVC
- Razer View Syntax in MVC
Chapter-36 Service Pattern and Repository Pattern
- Service Pattern
- Architecture with Service Pattern
- Dependency Injection
- Repository Pattern
- Filters in ASP.NET MVC
- Exception Filter in ASP.NET MVC
- Custom Exception Filter in ASP.NET MVC
- Error Pages Based on Status Code in ASP.NET MVC
- ChildActionOnly Attribute in ASP.NET MVC
- OutputCache Attribute in MVC
- VaryByParam Location and CacheProfiles in OutputCache Attribute in MVC
- Custom OutputCache Attribute in ASP.NET MVC
- ValidateInput Attribute in ASP.NET MVC
- RequireHttps Attribute in ASP.NET MVC
- Custom Action Filters in ASP.NET MVC
- Filter Overrides in ASP.NET MVC
- Authorization Filter in ASP.NET MVC
- Custom Authorization Filter in MVC
- Custom Authentication Filter in MVC
- Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET MVC
- Forms Authentication in ASP.NET MVC
- Role-Based Authentication in ASP.NET MVC
- Role-Based Menus in MVC
- Create an ASP.NET MVC 5 App with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google OAuth2 Sign-on
- Create a secure ASP.NET MVC 5 web app with log-in, email confirmation, and password reset
- NET MVC 5 app with SMS and email Two-Factor Authentication
- XSRF/CSRF Prevention in ASP.NET MVC and Web Pages
- Preventing Open Redirection Attacks (C#)
- Intro to Asp.Net Identity
- Creating ApplicationUser, Store, and Manager
- Configuring Roles
- Understanding ViewModel
- Register Page
- Login Page
- Logout
- MyProfile Page
- What is Area and Creating "Admin" Area
- Manager Area
- Manage Users by Admin
Chapter-37 ASP.NET MVC – Advanced
- ASP.NET MVC Life Cycle
- Bundling and Minification
- Memcached
- Redis
- Memcached vs Redis
- Logging in ASP.NET MVC
- Area in ASP.NET MVC
- Working with Excel, PDF, and Image Files
- Profile and debug your ASP.NET MVC app with Glimpse
- Using Asynchronous Methods in ASP.NET MVC
- NET MVC Deployment
- Migrating ASP.NET MVC Applications to Windows Containers
- Introduction to ASP.NET Web API
- Creating ASP.NET Web API Application
- Configuring a Web API
- Web API Controllers
- How to add Swagger in Web API
- How to use Fiddler to test Web API
- How to use POSTMAN to test Web API
- ASP.NET Web API using SQL Server
- Content Negotiation in Web API
- Media Type Formatter in Web API
- How to Implement GET Method in Web API
- How to Implement POST Method in Web API
- How to Implement PUT Method in Web API
- How to Implement the DELETE Method in Web API
- Custom Method Names in Web API
- Parameter Binding in Web API
- Consuming Web API Service From jQuery
- Calling Web API Service in a Cross Domain Using jQuery AJAX
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing in WEB API
- NET Web API Routing
- Routing Variations in WEB API
- Routing and Action Selection in Web API
- NET Web API Attribute Routing
- Optional Parameters in Web API Attribute Routing
- Route Prefix in Web API
- Web API Attribute Routing Route Constraints
- Route Names and Route Orders in Attribute Routing
- Introduction to Action Filters and Return Types
- Overview of Action Filters
- Simple Example of an Action Filter
- Example of a Client-side Caching Action Filter
- Overview of Action Method Return Types
- Return Types Part 1: The Traditional Model
- Return Types Part 2: The I HttpActionResult Model
- Example of Model Validation in an Action Filter
- Example of Model Validation in an Action Filter
Chapter-38 Authentication Filters
- Introduction to Authentication Filters
- Creating a Basic Authentication Filter from the Template
- Creating a Custom JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication Filter
- Implement an API Key Authentication Filter
- Overriding the Authentication Filter List
- Overview of Authorization Filters
- The Authorize and AllowAnonymous Attributes
- Example of a RequireHttps Authorization Filter
- Example of a RequireClaims Authorization Filter
Chapter-39 ASP.NET WEB API – Security
- Authentication and Authorization in Web API
- NET Web API Basic Authentication
- HTTP Message Handlers in WEB APL
- Basic Authentication using Message
- HTTP Client Message Handler in Web API
- Taken Based Authentication in Web API
- Client Validation Using Basic Authentication in Web API
- Refresh Token in Web API
- Consume Refresh Token in C# Client
- HMAC Authentication in Web API
- JWT Authentication
- Web API Versioning Using URI
- Web API Versioning using Query String Parameter
- Web API Versioning Using Custom Header
- Web API Versioning Using Accept Header
- Web API Versioning Using Custom Media Types
- Web API Hosting
- Enable SSL in Visual Studio Development Server
- Enable HTTPS in Web API
- Caching in ASP.NET Web API
- Logging in ASP.NET Web API
- Fluent Validations
What is the Elysium Certified Full Stack Native Programmer - Training Course offered by Elysium Academy?
The Elysium Certified Full Stack Native Programmer - Training Course at Elysium Academy covers full-stack development using native programming languages and frameworks, enabling you to build robust, platform-specific applications.
What makes Elysium Academy the best Full Stack Native Programmer training center near me?
Elysium Academy stands out for its Full Stack Native Programmer training due to its comprehensive curriculum, practical exercises, and expert instructors who ensure you gain proficiency in developing native applications across platforms.
What topics are covered in this course?
Topics include front-end development with React Native, back-end development with Node.js and Express.js, database management with SQL/NoSQL, version control with Git, and deployment strategies.
Do I need any prerequisites to enroll in this course?
While no formal prerequisites are required, it is recommended that participants have a basic understanding of programming concepts and some familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
How is the course delivered?
The course is delivered through a blend of live instructor-led sessions, hands-on labs, and self-paced study materials. This hybrid approach ensures comprehensive learning and practical experience.
What type of projects will I work on during the course?
Participants will engage in real-world projects such as developing native mobile and desktop applications, integrating front-end and back-end technologies, and deploying applications to cloud platforms.
Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the course?
Yes, participants will receive a certificate of completion from Elysium Academy. This certificate validates their skills in full stack native development.
How long is the course, and how much time should I dedicate weekly?
The course duration is typically 8-12 weeks. It is recommended to dedicate around 10-15 hours per week to coursework, including lectures, labs, and self-study.
Is there support available after I complete the course?
Yes, our instructors and support team are available to provide guidance and answer any questions you may have even after the course has ended. Additionally, we offer resources for ongoing learning and professional development.
How does the Elysium Certified Full Stack Native Programmer certification benefit my career?
The certification enhances your credibility and demonstrates your expertise in native application development. It opens up various job opportunities, increases earning potential, and is highly valued by employers in the tech industry.

- Elysium Certified Full Stack Native Programmer - Training Course TESBO
- Duration: 180 Hrs
- Level: Beginner
- Days: 180 Days
- Chapters: 39
- Language: English
- Certifications: Yes
- Course Code: EATFN
- Sub Category: Full Stack Development Training Course
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Elysium Certified Full Stack Native Programmer Features

Master Native Programming Languages
Learn essential native programming languages such as Java, Swift, and Kotlin to develop high-performance mobile and desktop applications.

Comprehensive Front-End Development
Gain proficiency in front-end development using frameworks like React Native to create responsive and user-friendly mobile interfaces.

Advanced Back-End Development
Develop strong back-end skills using Node.js, Express.js, and database technologies to build robust and scalable server-side applications.

Real-World Project Experience
Engage in real-world projects that integrate front-end and back-end technologies, providing hands-on experience in building complete native applications.

Version Control and Collaboration
Learn to use Git and GitHub for effective version control and collaboration, essential tools for modern software development teams.

Deployment and DevOps Practices
Understand the basics of deployment and DevOps practices, including cloud platforms to efficiently deploy and manage your native applications.
Our Latest Blogs
The Ultimate Guide to Web Development Training Courses
Are you ready to dive into the world of web development and unlock endless possibilities? Imagine having the skills to…
8 Essential Features of Our iOS App Development Training Course Program
Are you ready to kickstart an exciting journey into the world of iOS App Development Training Course? At Elysium Academy,…
Top 7 VMware NSX Training Courses to Elevate Your Networking Skills
In today’s hyper-connected digital age, VMware NSX training networking courses has rapidly evolved, moving beyond traditional hardware-driven methods to embrace…
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Core & Advanced Java Programmer Training Course
Master both Core and Advanced Java programming skills with our comprehensive training course, designed to take your expertise.
Digital Marketing Fundamentals Training Course
Unlock the power of online marketing with our Digital Marketing Fundamentals Training Course. Master SEO, SEM, content marketing.
Core MySQL Training Course
Unlock the power of relational databases with our Core MySQL Training Course, designed to enhance your skills in data management.

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